
to the chiropractor & thoughts on the first trimester (so far)

Monday, August 24, 2015

7 weeks, 2 days
Monday August 24th, 2015

I've been avoiding it for as long as possible but my neck and upper back are killing me so I finally bit the bullet today and went to the chiropractor. I've gotten multiple recommendations for this particular doctor, and after hearing that she's extra gentle and actually worked on my boss during her whole pregnancy, I decided to make the appointment .

Fast forward to just three hours after I called and I was walking into the doctor's office. Dr. S was so sweet and actually made me cry on my first visit (hormones). I told her I wouldn't normally consider going to the doctor for something so minor, because normally I'd pop double the amount of Ibuprofen and suck it up, but since those options are off the table (and I'm too paranoid to take anything), off to the doctor I went. Near the end of the meet and greet but before we got down to business, she asked me if I had any questions. This is when the water works started and I thanked her for listening to me and taking my concerns about my baby seriously. To have someone validate that - yes, this is scary and all you want to do is protect that new baby of yours, but GOOD LORD you also feel like crap and it's okay to take care of yourself too, really meant something to me.

It's such a gentle balance right now - remembering to take care of yourself and cut yourself a break but also having this giant responsibility thrust upon you too. I guess if I had any advice for moms on the first trimester island (because, yes - it's an island and it's damn isolating sometimes). it's: don't be too hard on yourself. Eat the terrible-for-you cereal if it's the only thing that will settle your stomach. Cry if it makes you feel better. Put yourself first for once. And remember, it will pass.

6 weeks, 5 days

Thursday, August 20, 2015

August 20th, 2015

The weird dreams have started.

Also, I slept on my neck weird. I'm petitioning for one of these. That is all.

7 weeks, 3 days

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Monday August 18th, 2015

Symptoms: The intermittent nausea has started (yay!). It's nothing some dry cereal can't handle but it's not fun either. It's strange to be so uninterested in food. I don't want to cook it, I'm not craving anything and I certainly don't think about it at all throughout the day.

Mama: is focusing on house projects and get-togethers with friends to distract herself from the fact that the first appointment is still over two weeks away.

Craving:  I should wipe out this question....

Baby: is developing it's lungs this week!

Right now: I'm looking forward to a weekend in NYC for my birthday with Ben. I hope I'm able to keep up my stamina (and down my nausea) to get the most out of the trip. I know B has a lot of fun things planned.

6 weeks, 2 days

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday August 17th, 2015

Symptoms: so. freaking. tired. I read that week 6 is a huge week for development which helps explain my extreme fatigue. I hate feeling "useless" but I know I need to rest when my body tells me to and pregnancy naps are sort of the best thing ever.

Mama: may have ordered a rug for baby's room already. Nothing like counting your chickens, right? I can't help it though, I'm so excited! We plan on keeping the sex a surprise so I'm having fun planning a gender-neutral nursery.

Craving:  Sleep! And still really wishing for cooler weather. Really, I just want August to be over so we can get our first appointment in and start telling more friends ;) Still not craving anything food-related.

Baby: is now visible on an ultrasound and it's heart is beating away as it develops. Keep on trucking little buddy! Mama and daddy are so excited to see you in a few weeks!

Right now:  It's starting to feel more real as we tell close family members. I was nervous to do this, but I know having a support system, God forbid anything happens, is really important to me. In other news, I'm pretty sure Ivy knows what's up. She's been extra cuddly lately and weary of strangers which isn't normally like her.

5 weeks, 3 days

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 11th, 2015

Symptoms: fatigue, sore boobs, bloating/constipation and light cramping every once and a while. The cramping only really happens after I eat a good-sized meal which makes me think it's my digestive track pushing against my expanding uterus.

Mama: is happy to have the symptoms I do so I "feel" pregnant. My first ultrasound isn't until September 11th, when I'll be at the tail end of 9 weeks, so any little thing that ensures me that the nugget is hanging on in there is a good sign in my book. No nausea yet and I'm okay with that. I'm crossing my fingers it stays away.

Craving: does sleep and cooler weather count? I'm not craving anything food-wise.

Baby: is the size of a chocolate chip, has been nicknamed peanut by it's father and has been prayed for endlessly by it's mama.

Right now:  the only people that know are my mom and our best friends, Josh and Jen. I'm excited to tell his parents this weekend and then our friends after our first appointment, I don't want to wish time away at all but I'm anxious to share our happy news with everyone.

The One Week Secret

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ben left for a week-long business trip on Monday, August 3rd. This is also the morning I decided, against my better judgement, to take a pregnancy test. I say against my better judgement because A- it was obviously going to say negative because my period wasn't supposed to come until the following weekend. And B- if it is positive what the Hell am I going to do with this news while my husband is 20,000 feet in the air headed to the west coast? I had symptoms all weekend so I bit the bullet, peed on the stick and skittered out of the bathroom to make myself tea. Walking back in, ready to just feel sad and get on with getting ready for work, I glimpsed at the stick and there it was: two lines.

As anyone who's been TTC for a while knows, it's an emotional roller coaster filled with hope and anticipation which is then followed by disappointment and sadness when it doesn't happen that month. So when I saw that faint line I felt like I was in a dream. I immediately called my SIL and started bawling before squeaking out that I was finally pregnant. She has been my number one confidant throughout this whole process and the person who kept me sane and stayed my biggest cheerleader through it all. It's only natural that she'd be one of the first people I'd tell...even ahead of my husband ;)

Ben was due to land back in Philly early Friday afternoon and he thought I would be gone by then to Rehobeth with my girlfriends so I arranged my plans to leave later and surprise him at home (he was also leaving for a bachelor party). You know what they say about the best laid plans...I left at noon to get balloons and set up his surprise and then I waited and waited and waited. Traffic out of Philly was terrible so when he finally rolled in at 4:45 I was a bundle of nerves because I knew we'd both have to leave again shortly after 5 but there was no way I was waiting until Sunday after waiting all day (and week!). I heard him open the door and slowly walk through the living room and when he turned the corner he just broke into a smile and said "are we really?" "holy moly!" haha he's so cute.

Keeping this a secret from him all week was so hard but I'd definitely say it was worth it to see his face in person when I was finally able to tell him.