
21 weeks

Friday, December 4, 2015

At 21 weeks:

  • Baby is weighing in at 14 oz and it's hard for me to believe there's almost a lb of baby in there! Although, usually by the end of the day my bladder and back definitely believe it ;)
  • Yesterday at our scan, the technician said he/she is right on track growth-wise and it was really reassuring to see the linear chart with our baby's line smack dab in the middle.  We also got to see all the organs, chambers of the heart, parts of the brain and my favorite part -- watching the baby's sucking motion and cuddling it's arm up to it's head. A champion of sleep already, just like mom!
  • Speaking of sleep, I'm officially off my back and belly and onto side sleeping which results in me building a pillow fort around myself every night. It's weird  how your body just tells you that it's uncomfortable and unsafe, something I questioned from the beginning with a "but how do you know?" but, like all other things pregnancy-related, it just comes naturally.
  • Making it past our midway ultrasound solidified in me that we can make it to the end without finding out the sex. I had a week or two of weakness leading up to this appointment but seeing the baby all over again made me realize I truly want to wait and be surprised. I can't wait to hold him/her in my arms for the first time!
  • We are starting to research different birth classes to start in the third trimester and I've also been reading and writing a lot lately. I've been loving this devotional I bought and it's a nice way to decompress at the end of the day and spend time just thinking about our family and praying for the baby. 
This weekend we are cutting down our Christmas tree and hopefully knocking out some shopping too. I've been procrastinating this year but getting the tree set up will definitely help light a fire under me because I know I'll be itching to get all the gifts wrapped and under the tree. Happy almost weekend!

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