Hello! Sporadic as my writing may be, I enjoy coming back here to check in and catch up. So, what's new?
Work Stuff: I'm still working 2 days/week at my job and I worked a lot of extra hours over the holidays since our company was in the middle of a move so that was a nice change in pace, as well as a nice boost in my paycheck right around Christmas. Things have settled down now but I'm playing with the idea of upping my work to 3 days/week. We are swamped and I have the opportunity to gain an additional role if I want it. The classic mom guilt comes into play and although I know Harrison loves his school, I let my thoughts get the better of me and I keep pushing off the decision. There are a few other things in play that are interfering with my decision too....
House Stuff: We are working every weekend to prep our house to list in March. We are almost ready, barring a kitchen project we're debating hiring out, and it's exciting but scary to know we could be moving in such a short period of time. I've been cleaning out lots of closets and the basement to make staging and the impending move as easy as possible but there still feels like there's a lot to do.
Family Stuff: In addition to prepping our house, we are also still actively trying for #2. I know God has a plan, but I would be lying if I said the combination of work, house and TTC wasn't making my head spin a little bit. It's a lot all at once but at the same time these big changes feel right. New house, new baby, right? We hope!
Other Stuff: Winter always used to crawl by for me, but life with a toddler makes it speed by pretty fast. The days can feel long but whenever I look at the calendar it feels like we're entering a new month already. I'm working on planning our days home better in order to get us both out of the house on play dates and other fun activities. I signed us up for library story time again because that goes until mid-February. Speaking of, how is my baby going to be TWO in 3 months? Typically I'd be full steam ahead in planning a birthday party but I have no idea where we'll even be living so I am thinking this year might be a small family get together or a quickie round up of his little friends which is all he really wants anyway.
In an effort to not fall into the winter hermit habit, I've been focusing any other energy I have left into working out and cooking healthy vegetarian meals for us. It feels so good to make myself and my health a priority again and I've been feeling great. I'm itching to sign up for a class or a 5K but, again, not sure if I should be adding even more to my plate.
Despite it only being the 10th, January is filled up with lots of activities, a wedding and a business trip for Ben. I'd like to do a post in Harrison soon too - he is 21 months today! Where is the time going?!
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