
29 Weeks

Friday, January 29, 2016

Aside from my one hour glucose test on Tuesday (I passed!), it was another quiet week on the pregnancy front. Since Ben was on a business trip I tried to take advantage of the open bed and get some extra rest and stretch out my aching ribs. I'm holding out to talk to the doctor until my appointment next week but I'm pretty sure it's an "it is what it is" situation until baby decides to drop/move a little bit. Some days are better than others and I just ordered some nursing bras which look really comfortable so I'm hoping they help a little too. Other than that, the nesting bug definitely hit this week and I found myself sporadically waking up to add to my many to do lists and plotting some more nursery projects. TGIF from me and my basketball!

27 weeks a little late

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It's been a crazy couple of days so it feels good to sit down and get everything out of my head before it floats away in baby brain land.

Saturday we had our big hospital/birth class which we ended up liking more than we anticipated. They went over everything from hospital maternity ward policies, to pain management and types of birth to some funnier, lighter activities and finally ending with a tour of L&D and the recovery rooms. We left feeling glad we decided to take the class and also happy we took it now rather than a month out which would have been our only other option. With that behind us, we braved the store and got a rug for the baby's room that night - two big things crossed off our ever-growing to do list!

Yesterday I took my mom in for her final knee surgery so I bounced back and forth between the hospital and home since Ivy has been battling a stomach bug the last few days too. To say I was tired by the end of the day is an understatement but everyone seems to be on the mend so I'm thankful those two things are behind us and that everyone is safe and healthy.

Lastly, this morning we had a "bonus" ultrasound to check out something on my ovary that turned out to be nothing, so we also got an extra look at the baby! This was the first ultrasound where I really cried. The baby looked so animated in there and it's definitely filling out (2.5 lbs!) and the technician said he/she has already got some hair on it's head and is also head down. There's no guarantee it will stay that way until birth but one can hope :) I know everyone says this, but it's little face in there was SO cute and it was the first time I could really visualize, outside of my own imagination, what he/she looks like. I'm tearing up just thinking about it now and I can't wait to hold him/her in our arms in a few short months!

This week isn't really going to slow down any time soon since we're expected to have a HUGE snowstorm roll in starting Friday. The boys were supposed to go to a bachelor party but it's still up in the air right now. Either way I'm super excited because one good snowstorm it all I've wanted this whole pregnancy. Some other pregnancy stuff I've noticed this past week:

  • 27 weeks marks the third trimester on (most) pregnancy calendars and I'm definitely feeling it! Sleep has been tough lately, both because I can't seem to get comfortable and it's also when baby decides to have a dance party. He/she has only woken me up a few times with super hard kicks but the the repetitive lighter kicks tend to lull me back to sleep which is really sweet. 
  • Bending over is getting harder and I keep having to remind myself to bend at the knees and not at the waist. I remember my SIL telling me it starts to hurt to bend over and I didn't understand it then, but I get it now! I have definitely had moments where I drop something, look at it and just walk away and tell myself I'll pick it up later. 
  • I've had multiple people tell me I've "popped' lately which makes me so happy...FINALLY! haha I know I should be happy I didn't blow up or anything, but when you're feeling pretty pregnant, it's nice for people to know/notice as well. We were running errands on Sunday and I asked Ben if it looked big because I saw a bunch of people look down right after they looked at me and he just laughed and said, "you definitely look pregnant now". 
the only picture I managed to take last week!
I think that's it for last week's pregnancy update. It might actually roll into being a 28 week update too since I included some stuff from today but I'm hoping to have Ben take some belly pics for me this Friday if he manages to work from home because of the storm. Think snow!

26 weeks

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I had my monthly belly check this morning which is always exciting! This was the first time they measured the fundal height and the doctor said everything is right on track and looks great. I also got a script for my glucose test which I'm going to try and knock out tomorrow. Here's hoping I pass with flying colors and all those Christmas cookies didn't do too much damage ;)

I was also able to talk to the doctor about some rib pain I've been having. It  basically runs up and down both sides and feels like I got rocked by a roller coaster pretty hard by the end of the day. It's not unbearable and laying down with a warm compress usually helps but I just wanted to bring it up in case they wanted to check it out. Like I thought, he said it's completely normal and that everyone carries differently so while some women might have upper or lower back pain (or none!) others feel it in their ribs. It doesn't help that I've already grown a cup size and that I'm carrying pretty high. I now know why everyone was telling me to enjoy the second trimester energy while it lasts haha. As the baby gets bigger, there are definitely some adjustments I've been having to make and slowing down is one of them. The third trimester is one short week away so I'm trying to tell myself to relax and take it easy!

Some other baby-related stuff this week:

We signed up for our birthing class which is next weekend. We have a busy winter and when I looked over the next couple months I realized that if I didn't schedule it for January, it wasn't going to happen until March and that's cutting it too close for me! Next up is to schedule the breastfeeding class and possibly some (optional) online classes, but those are a bit more flexible and can be knocked out on weeknights so I'm waiting on those. 

My shower date is set! I'm not one for surprises, especially when I'm rolling around with a big bowling ball in front of me so my mom and Ben's mom agreed to let me know when/where my shower is. I am really looking forward to seeing all my family together and showering this little baby with love. Since our nursery is pretty much done until we get more baby gear, March will be a fun month of assembly and nesting. 

Names! We've had the boy name picked out for years but have struggled to settle on a girl name. We're now down to three options and decided we need to meet her before deciding (if it's a girl). I honestly love all three and they all feel very "us" so we'll have to see what she tells us come April. 

Gender Guesses. All of our friends say girl, my whole office has said boy and as for Ben and I - we're undecided. I was convinced for like a month it was a girl but now I'm back to having no clue. Ben said he has no inkling either way. Obviously, we don't care either way or we wouldn't wait to find out but it's fun to hear other people's predictions. 

I had the work talk with my bosses this week which I sort of saw coming seeing as it's the New Year and we're just over three months out. Even though I was nervous to tell them my plans, the decision for me to stay home had been made since before we got pregnant and I knew they would be understanding since it's a family-owned business and they have three kids of their own. It feels really good to have it all out on the table and they were super understanding and respectful of my choice and even mentioned part-time/work at home options which I really didn't expect. It feels so good to leave it somewhat open-ended and be leaving on good terms.

PHEW that update was longer than I thought it would be but I guess a lot has happened this week! 

2015 / 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016

Whenever I look back on a whole year I'm always amazed at how much has happened. Things just have a way of rolling along with or without our help, but 2015 was definitely a big year of change brought on by our own actions. We kicked off the year by participating in a Whole30, which spurred us to switch to a primarily plant-based diet. In the spring, we doubled our gardens, worked towards some greener methods around the home front, and we started trying. Fast forward to late summer, we found out we were expecting and it's been a whirlwind ever since. Come Fall, we traveled to Nashville and Dallas, the holidays sped on by, and here we are already in January. It's hard to believe I'll be in my third trimester in a few short weeks.

Despite not having any immediate goals for 2016, I'm still super excited for a fresh start. With the baby being born in early spring, I'm looking forward to spending as much time as possible outside with him/her, working on our gardens (homemade baby food!) and getting in lots of exercise. I'm trying to be realistic with just how much I'll be able to do, especially in the very beginning, but I'm really looking forward to being home with my little one and even more excited because a few of my girlfriends will also be home this summer. This is such a sweet season of our life and I honestly think 2016 will be one of our best years yet. Happy New Year!